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// art with malette


AMSA Student Gallery

Amabie: A Japanese Yokai

Amabie Gallery Intro - 4:23:20, 3.14 PM.Mr. Malette
00:00 / 00:56

What would you do if you saw an unidentified sea creature washed up on shore? Freak out!? Poke it with a stick? Talk to it? Draw it? 


During the early cholera pandemics, much like our Covid-19 pandemic, Japanese believe that just the sight of this creature could offer health (and a good harvest). The idea has been revived on social media (#yokaiamabie). Our students created these fine examples during quarantine with limited assistance and supplies. They wish you best of health and life! 


Interested in more info? Guardian Article and Wikipedia: Amabie



Check out Mr. Bowman's classes of Amabie, too!

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